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HomeNAVA 37 (2003)


NAVA 37 Flag Image

NAVA 37 Flag Photo

NAVA 37: Montréal, Québec
Holiday Inn Midtown
October 10–12, 2003
Details and additional photos of NAVA 47: The NAVA 37 Flag:  Designed by Morgan Milner, the flag has a cross, mirroring the Montréal and Québec flags.  In the canton, the NAVA flag appears with the addition of a white fleur-de-lis in the chevron area.  The white cross on a blue background symbolizes Québec; the remaining colors Canada red and Québec blue.   The NAVA flag in the canton symbolizes the purpose of the conference (the study of flags in the U.S. and Canada).  The fleur-de-lis symbolizes the strong French influence on Montréal.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Jim Croft (chair), Ginette Bazergui of Le Flag Shop, and John and Cecelia Purtill of the Original Flag Store.

Significant Events:

  • Saturday night's formal banquet offered at traditional Thanksgiving dinner, as it was the weekend when Canadians celebrate that holiday.  The Saguenay Herald of the Canadian Heraldic Authority, Bruce Patterson, spoke on how his office helps create flags from the grants of arms it creates.  His lavishly-illustrated and informative talk brought the work of applied heraldry and vexillography to life.
  • Dave Martucci announced the new NAVA award—the Vexillonnaire—honoring the "engaged vexillologists" and their significant and successful acts of activist vexillology, involving flag design or usage, in North America.  He presented the first awards to Peter Orenski, Jim Babcock, Ted Kaye, Doug Lynch, and Ed Jackson.
  • Whitney Smith and Kin Spain delivered to Scot Guenter the "Laureate of the Federation" plaque accepted on Scot's behalf in Stockholm at the 20th International Congress of Vexillology in August.   Although the venue didn't quite match the original (the hall where the annual Nobel banquet is held), Scot did receive a standing ovation from his peers.

The Featured Tours:

Sunday afternoon's bus tour took NAVA members and guests to Montreal's highs and lows—from the viewpoint on Mount Royal to the port facilities along the river.  The old town of Montreal, dating from the 1600s, contrasted with the facilities built for the 1976 Olympic Games.  Everywhere flags were flying, with the Québec, Canada, and Montreal flags the most common, but also many displays of international flags, from one to two at a time to well over a hundred at the Olympic Stadium.  When the tour guide unexpectedly abandoned the bus, the driver (speaking French), Kevin Harrington (as translator), and Jim Croft (as announcer) saved the day and created an impromptu tour focused on seeing the city and seeking out flags.

The Presentations:

  • The Flags and Arms of the Republic of Z — Peter Ansoff, Virginia.
  • Diachronic versus Synchronic Vexillology — Luc Baronian, Québec.
  • Two Irish Flags, a Comparative Analysis — Joe Donovan, Washington.
  • Micronesian Flag Culture, an Exercise in Comparative Vexillology — Scot Guenter PhD, California.
  • A Hitherto Unknown Flag in Canada's History—the Joys of Discovery, the Pains of Recovery — Kevin Harrington, Ontario.
  • Symbols in the Spanish Civil War — Wolfgang Jilek MD, British Columbia.
  • Flags of Portland, Oregon (1916–2002) — Mason Kaye, Oregon.
  • Flags over Antarctica — Ted Kaye, Oregon.
  • Frequently Flying Four Fabulous Flags — Truman Pope, Indiana.
  • Therapeutic Vexillology, a Populist Trend in the United States — John Purcell PhD, Ohio.
  • Vietnam, Simple yet Striking Flags for a Country of Complex History — Dean Thomas, California.
  • The Pyramid of Kukulkan, its Mathematics and its Time — Rafael Yates Sosa MD, Mexico.

Announced Awards and Honors

  • Captain William Driver Award: Joe E. Donovan.
  • Vexillionnaire Awards: Dr. Peter Orenski, James Babcock, Ted Kaye, Douglas Lynch, and Ed Jackson.

The Annual Business Meeting:

Log in to access the minutes posted in the Members area

Fiscal Sponsor:

Driver Award: TME Co.

Attendees: (75)

John Adcock
Peter Ansoff
Mary Ansoff
Luc Baronian
Ginette Bazergui
Peter Bazergui
Randy Beard
Mary Beard
Andrew Biles
Doreen Braverman
David Breitenbach
Daniel Bro-Kahn
Devereaux Cannon
Richard Clark
Frank Cole
Dorothy Cole
James Croft
Claire Johnson-Croft
Carita Culmer
Patrice de la Brosse
Joseph Donovan
Peter Edwards
Pat Edwards
Hank Gigandet
Scot Guenter
Carl Gurtman
Michael F. H. Halleran
Kevin Harrington
Lee Herold
Gerald A. Hinckley
Elaine C. Hinckley
Edwin Jackman
Ed Jackson
Annette Jackson
Wolfgang G. Jilek
Louise Jilek-Aall
Bea Jones
Robert Jungst
Ted Kaye
Mason Kaye
Rich Kenny
Peter Kinderman
Jack Lowe
Karen Lowe
Kathryn M. Marcello
Dave Martucci
Janet Martucci
Louis Maxime Meka Meka
Morgan Milner
Richard Monahan
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
David Ott
Bruce Patterson
Truman Pope
Georgia Pope
John Purcell
John Purtill
Cecilia Burke-Purtill
Woody Ridgway
Helen Ridgway
Mark Ritzenhein
Paolo Russi
Sarah Sanders
Michel Simard
Whitney Smith
Vicki Peterson
Kin Spain
Jennifer Sweeney
Dean Thomas
Gus Tracchia
Barbara Warfield
Mats Weissenberg
Rafael Yates Sosa

Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA