Details and additional information about NAVA 2: NAVA News Vol. II, no. 1 (1968) [Note: NAVA 2 is called "NAVA 3" in this issue—NAVA leaders were still working out the meeting numbering scheme]
The NAVA 2 Flag:
The general NAVA organizational flag would be used for all annual meetings until NAVA 11, with the exception of NAVA 3, which featured a special joint NAVA 3 / ICV 3 (Boston, Massachusetts, 1969) flag design. The tradition of designing special meeting flags began with the second joint NAVA 11 / ICV 7 conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1977.
Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA
Organizing Committee Chair: John J. Hurley