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HomeNAVA 08 (1974)


NAVA 8: Baltimore, Maryland
Lord Baltimore Hotel
October 12–14, 1974

Details and additional information about NAVA 8: NAVA News Vol. VII, no. 3 (1974)


The NAVA 8 Flag:


The general NAVA organizational flag would be used for all annual meetings until NAVA 11, with the exception of NAVA 3, which featured a special joint NAVA 3 / ICV 3 (Boston, Massachusetts 1969) flag design.  The tradition of designing special meeting flags began with the second joint NAVA 11 / ICV 7 conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1977.


Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA


Organizing Committee Chair: James C. Clark

Attendees: (24)

Newton V. Blakeslee
James W. Clark
Dorothy Claybourne
William C. Dwiggins
Gary & Valerie Grahl
Atle Grahl-Madsen
Donald T. Healy
Anders Holmquist
Florence Hutchison
Kenneth Huff
Creighton S. Kern
John Lyman
Paul Mills
Emmet Mittlebeeler
John Mokler
Hugh McClellan
John Purcell
Whitney Smith
William & Claire Spangler
John R. B. Szala
Ashley Talbot
Michael Weht


Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA