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HomeNAVA 25 (1991)


NAVA 25 Flag Image

NAVA 25 Flag Photo

NAVA 25: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Marquette Hotel
October 11–13, 1991
Details and additional photos of NAVA 25: NAVA News v. 24 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1991)

The NAVA 25 Flag: NAVA 25 featured a flag designed by Kevin Harrington.  The flag shows blue and white, the Minneapolis colors, and is in the form of the NAVA flag's chevron.  The yellow star in the center of the flag represents Minnesota, framed by a red ribbon that forms the number 25.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Lee and Barbara Herold.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Charles A. Spain J.D.; Gustavo Tracchia (Honorable Mention)

Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation.

Attendees: (80+)

List unavailable

Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA