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HomeNAVA 30 (1996)


NAVA 30 Flag Image

NAVA 30 Flag Photo

NAVA 30: Sacramento, California
Fountain Suites Hotel
October 11–13, 1996
Details and additional photos of NAVA 30: NAVA News v. 29 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1996)

The NAVA 30 Flag:  The flag was designed by Richard A. Kenny and James J. Ferrigan III.  The flag is divided in half horizontally.  The top half is white with the California bear and star in red taken from the California flag.  The lower half is red with the Roman numeral for 30 in yellow, with a blue shadow on the flag.  The flag was "swallow-tailed" to indicate a decennial meeting of NAVA.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: James J. Ferrigan III and Rich Kenny.

Significant Events:

  • The annual banquet Keynote Speaker was Howard Madaus, the curator of the Cody Firearms Museum in Cody, Wyoming, who presented a scholarly talk on "The American Flag & the West, a Survey of Its Evolution, 1777–1876".
  • Rich Kenny arranged an amazing display of his flags featuring "Americana (Martin Francis) in the State Capitol" and "California City Flags" in the Railroad Museum.

The Featured Tours:

Sutter's Fort and the California Indian Museum, the California State Capitol Building, the California Secretary of State Building, and Old Sacramento—including the California State Railroad Museum and the California State Military Museum.

The Presentations:

  • Flags of the Sioux Nations of South Dakota — Don Healy, New Jersey.
  • Trial by Jury in the Court of Public Opinion — Carita Culmer, Arizona.
  • Under the Rainbow — Steve Tyson, California.
  • The Santa Barbara Flag Project — Paul Mills, California.
  • The Future of Vexillology (panel) — Kevin Harrington, Don Healy, Henry Moeller, Scot Guenter (moderator)
  • American Perspectives of Heraldry & Vexillology — Whitney Smith, Massachusetts.
  • Evolution of the U.S. National Air Insignia: 1861–present — John Gámez, Texas.
  • Flags Used by the State of Pennsylvania by Order of the Navy Board in 1777 — Henry Moeller, New York.
  • San Martin, Bajo Tres Banderas (1814–1822) — Gus Tracchia, New York.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: John H. Gámez.
Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation.

Attendees: (60)

John Adcock *
Phil Allen
Nick Artimovich
Volcker Bernhardt (Germany)
Andrew Biles
David Breitenbach
Lois Campbell
Rainey Campbell *
Dick Clark
Carita Culmer
William Crampton (England)
Peter Edwards
Pat Edwards *
James J. Ferrigan III
Carol Fielding
Martin A. Francis
John Gámez
Scot Guenter
Michael Hale
Sheila Hale *
Michael Halleran
Kevin Harrington
Don Healy
Lee Herold
Barbara Herold *
Ron Hesson
Marilyn Hitchborn
Hal Hichborn *
Tim Hill
Ted Kaye
Rich Kenny
Peter Kinderman
Lynn Knights
Don Klett
Virginia Klett *
James Liston
Jack Lowe
Howard Madaus
Dave Martucci
Eric McCallan
Paul Mills
Henry "Skip" Moeller
David Ott
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
John Purcell
Jon Radel
Gary Randall
Randy Smith
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith
Whitney Smith
Charles Spain
Jiri Tenora (Germany)
Gus Tracchia
Steve Tyson
Pete Van de Putte
Vanessa Van de Putte
Gil Vegas
Barbara Warfield
Ben Zaricor
* Companion
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA