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HomeNAVA 36 (2002)


NAVA 36 Flag Image

NAVA 36 Flag Photo

NAVA 36: Denver, Colorado
Denver Airport Marriott at Gateway Park
August 30–September 1, 2002
Details and additional photos of NAVA 36: The NAVA 36 Flag:  The flag was designed by Secundino Fernandez and David B. Martucci and chosen by a panel of judges.  The flag recalls Denver's flag, with enhancements to make the lower part to resemble NAVA's flag.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Kevin Murray.

Significant Events:

  • One of the highlights of NAVA 36 is when the participants rallied in front of the hotel to make a colorful parade of flags.
  • Scot Guenter gave a thoughtful banquet keynote speech on Saturday night on the flags relating to the September 11th terrorist attacks and their significance.
 There was no organized tour for NAVA 36.

The Presentations:

  • Flag Quantity and Quality in the Former German Democratic Republic: An Interesting Contrast — Dean Thomas, California.
  • Vexillology–Pride or Prejudice? — Robert E. Reynolds, Oklahoma.
  • The Historical Sources for the First Navy Jack — Peter A. Ansoff, Virginia.
  • A New Flag for Utah?: The Utah Flag Design Contest — Edward B. Kaye, Oregon.
  • Flags in Space: Use of Flags and Other Symbols in the U.S. Space Program — Annie M. Platoff, California.
  • The Process of a Significant New Holiday: Flags and September 11th — Scot M. Guenter, California.
  • Argentina 2002: New Provincial, Municipal, and City Flags — Gustavo Tracchia, New York.

Announced Awards and Honors

  • Captain William Driver Award: Peter A. Ansoff.

Fiscal Sponsor:

Driver Award: TME Co.

Attendees: (32)

Peter Ansoff
Carlos Arias *
Andy Biles
James Bolinger
David Breitenbach
Lois Campbell
Rainey Campbell *
Richard Clark
Carita Culmer
Martin Francis
Scot Guenter
Lee Herold
Bea Jones
Robert Jungst
Mason Kaye
Ted Kaye
Rich Kenny
John King
David Martucci
Rich Monahan
Kevin Murray
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
David Ott
Annie Platoff
Michael Platoff *
John Purcell
Robert Reynolds
Whitney Smith
Gus Tracchia
Dean Thomas
John Seebeck
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA