Special Activity
The NAVA 50 special activity, the "Tour of the Collections", proved a very popular and enjoyable activity on Saturday afternoon. NAVA 50 participants had the opportunity to view and photograph an amazing display of treasured flags from the private collections of Peter Ansoff, Bill Trinkle, Annie Platoff, Jim Ferrigan, and Phil Allen. The owners of the collections explained their history, provenance, value, and importance.
Ben Zaricor and his daughter, Tanya Veninga-Zaricor, brought four rarely-seen early flags from the famed Zaricor Flag Collection, including a 1780 thirteen-star flag with single ring and center star, a mid-Federal period U.S. merchant ship ensign, a 1876 Centennial patriotic U.S. flag, and a 1896 SemiCentennial Bear Flag originally from the collection of Judge John Ball of San José.