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HomeRaven, volume 23 (2016)

Raven, volume 23 (2016)

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With this volume Raven continues its standard format of several articles by different authors, but this time focusing on flags in Canada. All four articles were presented at the Association’s 49th annual meeting, in Ottawa in October 2015, and include that conference’s recipient of the Captain William Driver Award.


Front Matter

The Red Ensign and the Maple Leaf: Canada’s Two Flag Traditions
Bruce Patterson, Deputy Chief Herald of Canada, the Canadian Heraldic Authority Ottawa, Ontario

“But It Was Ours”: The Red Ensign, Dominion Day, and the Effects of Patriotic Memory on the Canadian
Hugh L. Brady, FF, JD, General counsel for the White House Office of Administration Alexandria, Virginia and Austin, TX

The Flag of Our Fathers? The Manitoba Provincial Flag and British Cultural Hegemony in Manitoba, 187
Lieutenant-Colonel David W. Grebstad, MA, MDS, Artillery officer in the Canadian Armed Forces Ottawa, Ontario

“A ‘Red Rag’ to an Infuriated Bull”: American Flags, Canadian Vexilloclasts, and the Origins of Cana
Forrest D. Pass, PhD, Historian at the Canadian Museum of History Gatineau, Québec

End Matter

  • Kenneth W. Reynolds, Ph.D., Editor
Editorial Board:
  • Perry Dane, J.D., Rutgers School of Law
  • Scot M. Guenter, Ph.D., San José State University
  • Anne M. Platoff, M.S., M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • John M. Hartvigsen, Salt Lake City, Utah (ex-officio)

Raven is a benefit of membership in NAVA.